July 6, 2013

A night stroll

In march I took a fabulous songwriting course by Pat Pattison on Coursera.
It was a challenge for me, especially because writing lyrics not in your native language isn't easy at all :)
But the main goal was, as I mentioned on g+ before, to write lyrics to music that I had.
And finally I've got the song! I'm not a great singer nor a great guitar player, but at least it expresses some feelings :)

January 20, 2013


Without further ado, it's my first oil on canvas painting.
I was very impressed with our trip to Iceland, but I had had no time to draw sketches, so I had to create this painting with the help of my husband's photo.
It's 36 x 44 cm

I'm back

I'm an awful blogger, I know. It's been a long-long time since I wrote something.
I can try to justify myself by saying I was sooo busy or that my daily routine went upside down after the wonderful trip to Iceland. That would be partly true, but I think the main reason is my idleness.)
However, I've had some thoughts worth putting down in letters, and I've seen some movies worth talking about, so I hope I'm finally back.
The first thing I want to show you, I think, deserves its own post, so watch out!